Berock Farms

Berock Farms is dedicated to engaging in sustainable and ethical agricultural practices and is currently engaged in teak farming, and pig and coconut farming. Operating with circular economy agricultural principles, products from each of the farms are recycled for use on the other farms. Berock Farms is committed to quality produce that satisfies the various needs of potential clients.

Berock Farms Ltd aims to provide the best quality farm and forestry products to clients through qualified professionals at the most competitive price.


Berock Farms Ltd aims to provide the best quality farm and forestry products with delighted clients.


Safety | Timeliness | Quality | Professionalism | Customer centeredness | Integrity



Healthy, ethically raised pigs: We provide live pigs and high-quality pork meat products raised in a humane and sustainable environment.



Beyond Produce:

Berock Farms is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. We are actively exploring ways to:
Expand our product range through value-added processing of our existing produce (e.g., processed pork products, coconut oil).

Implement educational programs or farm tours to share our sustainable practices with the community.